Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sisters and Sippers

I would like for you to meet my sister, Deb. She is just one of my two awesome sisters who are doing Trim Healthy Mama with me. I wish I could say I am doing as well with it as she is! This is her helping my little girl learn to crochet. Speaking of crochet, you should the work my other sister can do. Wow! But that is another story for another day. :)

Deb came to our Christmas Eve family gathering with her GGMS in hand. I think I slipped the can of Pepsi in my hand behind my back. I told you she was good! My life got a little hectic, and I didn't take time to plan and eat or drink like I should.

She told me what was in it, and I had to have a sip! She called it Black Cherry Limeade. It was so yummy! My body honestly wanted her drink more than the Pepsi. My body gets angry with me if I go off plan and pulls off many successful revolts! I asked her today for the recipe and permission to share it. Boy was I bummed to learn I didn't have all the ingredients on hand to make it myself. Still I wanted to share it with you!  :)

Black Cherry Limeade
2 green tea bags
1 tsp fresh ginger
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 packet of True Lemon Black Cherry Limeade
Sweetener to taste

Brew tea in a two quart jar. After steeping, add other ingredients and mix well. Refrigerate or serve over ice.

Since I didn't have all her ingredients on hand, I went plundering through my own cabinets to see what ingredient treasure trove awaited discovery. I didn't find that the regular green tea or True Lemon Black Cherry Limeade had been buried buy a mysterious Captain Cook, but I did find enough treasures to make another version.

Black Cherry Lemonade
2 black cherry tea bags
2 oolong tea bags
2 chunks fresh ginger
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1-2 packs True Lemon
Sweetener to taste

Brew all the teas in a two quart jar. When tea is cool, remove tea bags, squeeze in ginger, add lemon packet(s), vinegar, and sweetener to taste. Mix well. Refrigerate or serve over ice.

My version was really good, but I can promise you, Deb's is awesome! I like the slight tartness that adds a little brightness to her sipper. Have fun with these two sippers and have a Happy New Year!

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