Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Play in the Dirt Again!

I've got the itch again.  It creeps up every year around February.  I just can't get rid of it until my hands are back in the dirt, and my mind is full of hope and promise of beautiful, abundant plants come late spring and summer!

The other day I gathered the eager children and let them plant garlic in pots to grow inside until it warms up outside.

To plant the garlic, we filled the pots almost to the top with a starter soil.  Then we planted the cloves pointed end up just under the soil.  We watered the garlic but did not soak the soil.

When I bought the pots for planting the garlic, I found a nifty little greenhouse for starting seeds.  I had some pepper seeds I had saved from a yellow, orange, and red bell pepper that I wanted to plant, so I bought it.  When we were through with the garlic, I prepared the "greenhouse."  In it, I planted the pepper seeds and snapdragon seeds.  I can't wait to see if it actually works!

I tried starting pepper seeds last year, but, due to being greatly inexperienced, nothing grew from my seeds.  I have just recently found out if the peppers from which my seeds came are hybrids the seeds won't produce or either go back to the original plant no matter what I do to start them.  At least this year I knew to dry the seeds first and start them inside!  We'll see what happens!

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