
Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sauteed Mushrooms

Hello, reader friends!!

Last night was such a fun night in our home. Mr. Husband got home from work really early. The children and I visited the pool after they were done with their tae kwon do class, but we got home just as Mr. Husband was finishing up all the things he was wanting to get done around the house like cutting the grass and filling the deer feeder. The children and I straightened up around the house and were done just as my honey was walking in the door. We turned on the music and pulled the out the steaks and the sides. It was reminiscent of our early years for my hubby and me. We sang and danced- least we attempted to dance- in the kitchen, only this time there were young whipper-snappers gagging, rolling eyes, and acting like they didn't want to watch mama and daddy!  I think it's a great thing to give such gifts to our children!

In recent years, sauteed mushrooms have been added to our steak dinners. My father and stepmother-mother-in-law are the ones responsible for this delicious addition. I'm definitely not complaining! In fact, I drop my beloved baked potato just so I have room to enjoy these mushrooms! Kudos for fewer carbs! My mushroom-hating children, especially one, even like them. That should tell ya somethin'! Thank you, Grandpa and Lena! We think of you every time we enjoy them!

I have wanted to share this recipe many times, but I have always hesitated since it is another of those that doesn't have definite amounts for seasonings. It's one of those recipes that make the popular social media meme ring true- Sprinkle until the voices of your ancestors whisper, "That's enough, child." 😜😁 Still, I encourage you to try them!

Sauteed Mushrooms
1 lb button or white mushrooms
1 stick of butter
1 cup of sweet red wine
Garlic powder

To a stock pot over medium high heat, add the butter, mushrooms, and wine. I like to make sure the butter is on the bottom. Season the mushrooms well with the seasonings. Don't be afraid of them. Bring the liquid to a boil. Adjust the heat so that the mushroom continue cooking at a slow boil. Stir every few minutes. At this point, the cooking liquid is going to be very murky. When the cooking liquid starts getting low, stir continuously. The mushrooms will start getting dark. You will know the mushrooms are perfectly done when you see the liquid has clarified as you stir and the mushrooms are really dark as in the picture below.

It just doesn't get any better than this! My child had been asking for them for weeks! Yes, I know, he hates mushrooms. There is just something special about these. He ate these and left most of the steak and potato!

Until we meet again, may you be blessed!

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