
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Inspirational Potatoes

Several years ago when we moved into our new home in a new town for us, we heard of a restaurant about thirty minutes from our home.  We were simply given the name of Yoders.  Upon visiting, we thought it was Amish.  My curiosity about the people in plain dresses was piqued.  I began researching the town history and found that the people there were actually Mennonite.  I found it quite quaint and comforting to know such a culture existed in my own backyard.  Little did I know that God was leading me down a road to live a life very similar to these precious people I was meeting!  It was through eating at this restaurant and receiving an invitation for my children to attend vacation Bible school from two ladies who have now become dear friends that I found my church.  All of that, though, is a story for another day!  :)

For today, I wanted to share the amazing potatoes I found at this restaurant.  I had never found anything like them!  I was happy just going to the restaurant on a Thursday or Saturday, the days that the restaurant offer the potatoes, and eating them then.  That was until I discovered I actually love cooking!  :)

Last year, I found an old Amish cookbook that had been converted to digital format to be sold for Kindle users!  The sky parted and the angels sang!  Well...not really, but it really was one of those moments!  I was so excited!  I read through that whole book and wrote down every recipe that caught my attention.  Would you believe there was a recipe that sounded exactly like the potatoes at the restaurant?!  I was so excited, I could have run laps around the house!  I tried the recipe that very week.  The potatoes were good, but they just weren't right.  The recipe was put aside for a while, but most certainly not forgotten!

Upon attending my first church function at my new church, there were those heavenly potatoes again!  I found out who made them with intentions of asking about the recipe, but I just didn't have the courage.  Once, I was lucky enough to be sitting nearby when someone asked this dear sister about the recipe.  I couldn't hear well enough to hear her full response.  However, I was able to catch one ingredient that my potatoes didn't have.  Back the store and kitchen I went!  Nope.  They still weren't right, and the recipe went back to it's safe spot.  :)

Fast forward a few months.  I have developed beautiful relationships with the ladies of our church.  One of these ladies invited my family to lunch after church one Sunday, and, glory be, she had the potatoes, too!  I still didn't ask about the recipe, but this time, it wasn't because I was too shy.  This time, the fellowship was just too exciting, and I forgot!  This past Sunday, I had the pleasure of being invited to another lunch after church, and the potato recipe sister was there. ;)   I had the great pleasure to even be seated beside her during the meal!  You guessed it!  I finally was able to find out what I needed to add to mine to get them just right!  I even had pot of the potato recipe in my refrigerator at home!!!  I couldn't wait for supper that night so I could adjust my recipe!  Oh, glorious day!!!  It was sheer joy to taste my beloved potatoes that night!

It has been a very long time since one of my posts has had a motto, but today's post just lends itself to one!  We as Christians are like the potatoes.  Often times we are just okay as Christians, but if we let God add and take away just the right ingredients, we can become something spectacular in, for, and through him!

Until we meet again, may you be blessed!

p.s.  I will share the recipe in my next post.  :)

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