
Friday, February 1, 2013

Valentine's Surprise Day 1 2013

It's HHEErrreee!  Today is the first day of our 14 days of Valentines for 2013.  My sweet little girl has been asking how many days are left until February first for a month now.  She has been so excited to see this day arrive!  You would think it is Christmas all over again!  She says, "Mama, I just love getting up and coming in here to see what you left us and reading the notes."  For every bit of challenge there is in her personality, there is more sweet, excited, pure innocence.  I love that little girl!

Today I left a Cutie, a small, seedless, easy to peel orange, with a tag that read, "You are my 'Cutie' Valentine!"  At least I didn't start this year out with sugary treats!  :)  After she had started to eat the cutie, Alissa asks, "When will you give us candy?"  Lol!  That girl just won't do!

I had planned to let the kiddos help me do a little Valentine decorating today, but we were just too busy to get to it.  Tomorrow we will be going to a hog butchering, so I doubt it will get done then either.  Maybe we'll do it Sunday after church.  Did you do anything for your family today?  Please feel free to share!

Yes, you read that right in the paragraph above- a hog butchering.  I have never been to one, but in the church I attend which has a strong Amish/Mennonite background  (the church itself is non-denominational), their are some to whom butchering their own chickens and hogs is second nature.  I am going to learn.  I can't wait to share the experience with you!  Have I ever mentioned I simply ADORE my church family?  Oh, do I ever!!!  I have never been so happy and blessed in my life!  I think I will go trim my fingernails and charge my camera battery!  :)

Until we meet again, may you be blessed!

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