
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Around the World: France

Yesterday was another Christmas Around the World Day.  We finished all our other school work, except math, in the morning so that we could head for my sister's bakery to complete our history and math lessons.  Before leaving, we had talked about the importance of the Nativity in France to tie it in with our discussion of Italy.  Then we discussed how, in France, many attend a midnight mass after which people return to a great feast called Le Rveillon.  What is served at the feasts greatly depends on what region of the country the person lives.  In each region, however, the galette des rois, or king's cake, seems to be popular.  I sure wish I could pronounce all these fancy words!

After my sister was through baking for the bakery, she let the children help her in baking the king's cake.

My sweet, silly girl. I don't know what she was
so tickled about.

Alissa's math lesson was actually measuring ingredients for a recipe, so she measured and mixed all the ingredients herself.  How perfect was that?!

Alissa helped roll out the bottom layer, and then there were a few steps in between.

Then Jacob got to help roll out the top.

Finally, the cake was topped with our creative sugar and finished!  It was supposed to be topped with confectioner's sugar so it looks a little wacky.  It was SO good, though!

We almost forgot the bean!

Our other sister found the bean.  She got to be the queen!  :)

That completes the Christmas Around the World portion of the post, but I told you I would also share a new advent activity I added to our traditions this year.

A while back I saw a pin on Pinterest where someone had taken clear Christmas ornaments and written a different name of Jesus on each one.  Each night of December, one of the ornaments was added to the tree.  I had planned to make 25, but I just simply ran out of time and money. :)  Thankfully, several weeks ago, I found the ornaments for half off at a big craft store.  Maybe I can get to the other half next year, but I kind of like the twelve days of Christmas idea.  We'll see.

To make the ornaments, I removed the tops and stuffed the ornaments with what I had. I replaced the ornament caps and used a paint pen to write a different name of Jesus on each one.  I also wrote the corresponding scripture on the opposite side of the ornament.

These are the names and scriptures I used:
The Vine                         John 15:1
Shepherd                         Hebrews 13:20
Alpha and Omega           Revelations 1:8
Savior                             1 John 4:14
Lamb of God                  John 1:29
Bread of Life                  John 6:35
Wonderful                      Isaiah 9:6
King of Kings                Revelations 17:14
Emanuel                         Matthew 1:23
Prince of Peace              Isaiah 9:6
Jehovah                          Jeremiah 23:6
Rock of Ages                 Isaiah 26:4

Shew!  That was a long post!  Sorry about that.  I hope you enjoyed it, though!  Again, you are always welcomed to share your traditions, too!

Tomorrow's post will focus on Mexico.  Mmmm!  :)

Until we meet again, may you be blessed!


  1. Teacher of the Year AWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. You are too funny! It is easy to post the things I get right, but believe me, there is plenty that I get wrong. :)
