
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Elderberry Syrup

Good day, reader friends!

I trust you had a blessed holiday season! We did here, but now I have been gearing up for gardening season. In between garden projects today, I made a batch of elderberry syrup that I wasn't able to get to at the end of 2018.

I posted a picture of it on my Facebook page a few minutes ago. I have been lots of questions, so I thought I would do a quick write-up for all of you, my friends.

This syrup was so easy to make! It isn't hard, and it doesn't take long. The hardest part was probably gathering the ingredients.

I hope this helps and gives you confidence to try it!

4 c water
1 c dried elderberries
1-2 one inch chunks fresh ginger, peeled
1 t ground cinnamon
1/8-1/4 t ground cloves
1 c raw honey

To make your syrup, combine all your ingredients except the honey in a small sauce pan. You don't want to add the raw honey because the heat will kill off any beneficials in the honey.

Don't say I did warn you! This smells devinely scrumptious simmering on the stove! Ahhh!! Let it simmer for about thirty minutes until it has reduced by about half.

Remove the pan from the heat and prepare to strain the solids from the liquids. You can use cheesecloth or a fine mesh sieve. I used both over a large glass measuring bowl.

I spread the cheesecloth over the sieve and carefully poured the contents of the pan into the cheesecloth.

Once this is cool enough to the touch, mash or squeeze the berries to release as much liquid as possible. Don't leave that goodness behind!

Once the liquid has returned to room temperature, add in the raw honey. Raw honey is best for the extra health benefits. Once the honey is mixed in well, transfer the syrup to a sealable jar. 

This syrup can be used during cold and flu season or it can be used on pancakes and waffles!

However you wish to use this syrup, I hope you enjoy it!

Until we meet again, may you be blessed!